Prosilio Tech is specialized in the solar inverters technology. We assist our customers to make the correct choices of inverters and installation methods as much as the maintenance and repair.

In our modern inverter repair facilities, we check and repair inverters using high efficient specialized equipment.

In case your PV inverter fails, you can contact us in order to schedule the immediate repair.

Once we receive your inverter, we will immediately inform you for the cause of failure, repair costs, and shipping time.

Along with the repair, we perform the following checks:

  • External visual inspection
  • Internal visual inspection
  • Connectivity (Materials / Cleaning)
  • Display and keypad functionality
  • Communication checks
  • Insulation resistance test
  • Fans and cooling operation test
  • Power section (capacitors, relays, etc.)

Upon completion of the inspection and / or repair, we will send you a detailed technical report that can be used for insurance coverage and for any other purpose.

Additional Packages

Prosilio Tech, tries to offer solutions to its customers, and constantly is developing packages for PV inverters and their protection.

  • Inverters Refresh packages
  • Inverters communication wiring protection packages
  • Internal Protection package